HIS MOURNING is a witty short story of Nasreddin Hodja (or simply Nasreddin , or Mullah Nasreddin Hodja, Nasruddin Hodja, Mullah Nasruddin, Mullah Nasriddin, Khoja Nasriddin) a character in the folklore of the Eastern world. The story belongs to a collection called "The facetious stories of Nasr-en-Din Hodja". The book, at least in Greek, belongs to the public domain and you can find it here . And now let’s move on to the translation of the story and then to summary and analysis. I put side by side the English text as I translated it and the Greek one from the book, for the Greek enthusiasts! HIS MOURNING One day, Nasr-en-Din Hodja wore a grieving gown, and walked down to the marketplace. As soon as his friends saw him, they ran anxiously to him, and they cried out: - Life to thee! Who died? Hodja answered: - My son's father is dead, and I am in mourning. ΤΟ ΠΕΝΘΟΣ ΤΟΥ ...