HIS MOURNING is a witty short story of Nasreddin Hodja (or simply Nasreddin , or Mullah Nasreddin Hodja, Nasruddin Hodja, Mullah Nasruddin, Mullah Nasriddin, Khoja Nasriddin) a character in the folklore of the Eastern world.
The story belongs to a collection called "The facetious stories of Nasr-en-Din Hodja".
The book, at least in Greek, belongs to the public domain and you can find it here.
And now let’s move on to the translation of the story and then to summary and analysis.
I put side by side the English text as I translated it and the Greek one from the book, for the Greek enthusiasts!
day, Nasr-en-Din Hodja wore a grieving gown, and walked down to the
marketplace. As
soon as his friends saw him, they ran anxiously to him, and they cried out: -
Life to thee! Who died? Hodja
answered: -
My son's father is dead, and I am in mourning. |
Μια μέρα, ο Νασρ-εν-Ντιν Χότζας φόρεσε βαρύ πένθος, και κατέβηκε στην αγορά. Μόλις τον είδαν οι φίλοι του,
τρέξανε ανήσυχοι κοντά του και τούπαν: — Ζωή σε λόγου σου! Ποιος
πέθανε; Ο Χότζας απάντησε: — Πέθανε ο πατέρας του γιού μου, και κρατάω πένθος. |
You can listen to the story in Greek, turning on the English subtitles in the following video
The hero of the story Nasr-en-Din Hodja, wears the clothes of mourning and walks down to the market. His friends are worried and ask who died. With a straight face Nasr-en-Din Hodja declares that his son’s father has passed away and he’s in mourning! The sly response given by our hero certainly creates a moment of confusion and then gives way to laughter.