The poem "Abolition" was written in 1885, two years after the Greek government of Harilaos Trikoupis declared bankruptcy. This led to the imposition of the International Financial Control on Greece. Abolition By Georgios Souris Translated in English by Naya Nomikou in December 11th 2022. For the nation is suffering and because there is no hope, for the Treasury has no money at all: We abolish the embassies and their ambassadors. We order everyone to come to Athens immediately, leaving in his position only the ambassador in Constantinople. Cause everybody is burdened with taxes, because the Greeks can't take it any more, because both Trikoupis and the Country are failing due to the taxes on oil, cigarettes and wine, and because our pockets were emptied of money: We abolish all the direct and indirect taxes. Because all positions require qualifications, we are abolishi...