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"The loan" | Oriental Stories | Philindas Menos

 The Oriental stories by the Greek author Philindas Menos, are short humorous stories published in 1931. Philindas Menos says that they are stories that he head at different times from various people, living in the Eastern countries, which he collected and finally published in this small book called "Oriental stories".  To the story: THE LOAN The Grand Vizier Ali Pasha once wanted to come to an agreement with the ambassador of France so that Turkey could obtain a loan from France to establish a bank and build roads. -I am very much afraid, said the Frenchman, that you are making a beeline for Banqueroutte (bankruptcy). And Ali-Pasha replied, smiling mischievously: -But that's why we want the loan, your Excellency, for Banque et route (for bank and roads). And so, with his wit, he obtained the loan. (Translated in English by Naya Nomikou, on August 01, 2023) Copyright ©  2023 -  Νάγια Νομικού If you wish you can listen to the story in Greek on the following link. Turn...