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Anthology of the economy | Souris

In this poem Souris is criticizing once more the Greek reality of the 1880's.  He is describing a state that is corrupted and depraved. A state that is supporting the politicians and those who are lazy and the rich, while taking advantage of the poor. The latter themselves are not better than the others, but they are small fish compared to the rich for example. Souris mourns for all this misery and wretchedness and doesn't neglect to make mention to the people who, though not educated, believe they know everything despite evidence to the opposite. Finally, he doesn't omit to mention of the tendency that people have to think highly of themselves when their status changes and are given a position of importance or pseudo - importance.   Anthology of the economy By Georgios Souris Translated in English by Naya Nomikou in September 4th 2022.   Who saw a state that was small, unique throughout the whole world, Spending 100 but collecting only 50?   Feeding all t